
Terms and Conditions of Marriage Proposal.

Parties Involved

Proposer: The person making the proposal.

Proposee: The person receiving the proposal.

Context of the Proposal

The proposal must be genuine, expressing a serious intent to enter a lifelong partnership. Both parties understand that the proposal represents a commitment to mutual love, respect, and support.

Conditions Precedent

Both parties must be legally eligible to marry under applicable laws.

There should be mutual understanding and alignment on key life values, including:

Family planning and children if applicable.

Financial goals and management.

Career aspirations and support.

Shared lifestyle and interests.

Proposal Arrangements

The Proposer will plan the proposal in a way that considers the Proposee’s preferences (e.g., private, public, grand gesture, or intimate). Surprises or significant gestures should not cause unnecessary stress or discomfort.

Acceptance Criteria

The Proposee retains the right to accept, decline, or request a pause for further discussion. In the case of a decline or pause, both parties agree to communicate openly and respectfully about their feelings and the next steps.

Post-Proposal Commitments

Once the proposal is accepted, both parties will actively engage in planning and preparing for their marriage.

Open communication and flexibility will be essential to resolving any differences.

Termination Clause

Either party may withdraw from this agreement before the proposal or engagement without penalty but with mutual respect and courtesy.

Governing Principles

This proposal, and any subsequent marriage, will be based on love, mutual respect, trust, and understanding.